Affiliate marketing revenue and profit calculator

Affiliate Marketing Revenue Calculator ScreenTo use this tool you need to type in how many clicks you think they will get, how many conversions you expect to achieve, and how much money on average you’ll receive in commission each time.

Once you’ve located a potential program to join, here’s the numbers you need to know before you use the calculator:

  • Average conversion rate you expect to achieve from the product/service you’re going to promote
  • Average commission you expect to receive.
  • Average conversion rate you expect to achieve.

For an example calculation: if you’re using Amazon Associates and expect to send 1000 clicks to the Amazon website from your website, and those visitors will convert at an average rate of 2.1% and your average commission is expected to be $4, then your return would be $84.

Now it’s your turn to type in your own numbers into the affiliate marketing revenue calculator. Costs are optional for those looking to calculate profit/loss.

If you expect to use this tool regularly please bookmark the page.

How to use the Affiliate Income Calculator results

This free calc is good for guidance as an estimate, but in real-world practice it can be hard to project how much you will earn. Program conversion rates vary a lot. Seasonal variance can also play a big part. Take the numbers you create with a pinch of salt if you are new to the industry, this is only a rough estimate. That is why testing is so vital. Be sure to think about how much costs will eat into your profits and always remember these are only imaginary numbers, execution and hard work is the only way to turn them into real numbers.

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