Amazon Associates vs Skimlinks

Amazon Associates and Skimlinks are both big players in the affiliate marketing industry. They have quite different offerings though. Whereas Amazon Associates is the program for the Amazon eCommerce shopping website, Skimlinks is a content monetization platform that can automatically place affiliate links into a publisher’s content.


 Amazon Associates
Amazon Associates Logo
Skimlinks Logo
Minimum Payout $10, $100 $65, £50, €55
Payment Methods , , , ,
Payment FrequencyMonthlyMonthly
Commission Types ,
Currencies , ,
Cost to JoinFreeFree

More info

Skimlinks can be ideal for huge websites with tens of thousands of pages, e.g., an online forum. Amazon Associates is more suitable for bloggers who create ‘best of’ lists. Both platforms are free to join.

Other comparisons for these companies

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